That really came out wrong… 😉 I am giving away FREE MUSIC!

But it is just that! A giveaway surrounding the music that has come out from Mike Neumeyer Music/Voirimba Publishing during the COVID-19 crisis.

What have you been up to during the stay at home order? Watching movies, listening to those dusty albums, practicing, reading, the list goes on and on! 🙂

Good Vibes to you!

I tend to get into a creative mode when I have more time. Now, I am still working remotely for one job and teaching online for another, but my private studio work lessened, so I did end up with a little more time.

Also the mindset of getting stuff done was very contagious and I felt like I had a chance to make some music!

Now, folks are stuck at home with no gigs or students are spending a lot of time playing video games (which is fine and fun!), but maybe they just need that perfect piece to get them inspired at their instrument.

Therefore, I would like to give away some of my works for a limited time to help people fill their catalog, add to their collection, and have another option to spend their extra time. 🙂

Please see below for these brand new, quarantine inspired, vibraphone works: Open, Part of Life, and Sleeptime. Since those are all vibraphone solos, I am also making my marimba solos Variations and Tension Relief available. Enjoy and stay safe through all of this!

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Free Video Game Music MP3?

This track is my most listened-to YouTube video game cover and I want to send you an MP3 of it totally free!

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